Welcome to The Aliver Foundation’s Website
We’re glad you’re here and hope we can be a resource to you, whether you’re a sudden cardiac arrest survivor, loved one, or someone looking to partner with us to bring all weather, climate controlled, tamperproof AED enclosures and devices to outdoor recreation spaces.
We hope you’ll take a few minutes to explore the pages on this site and perhaps connect with us on our social media pages.
Please feel free to send us a note if you have any feedback or if we can help you in any way. Our email is info@thealiverfoundation.org. We’d love to hear from you.
We’re Mission-centric Around Here
The Aliver Foundation’s Mission is to raise awareness and funds to install all weather AEDs in outdoor recreation spaces while also providing crucial resources and educational opportunities to individuals and communities.
Our Goal Is Simple
We want to save lives and help hearts. We’ll do this by:
Increasing the number of all weather, climate controlled AEDs that are in outdoor recreation spaces
Creating access to educational opportunities like CPR and AED training
Providing resources and support to sudden cardiac arrest survivors and their loved ones
Circulating messaging about the difference between SCA and heart attacks as well as CPR and AED usage