Fundraise for The Aliver Foundation

There are many ways to fundraise for The Aliver Foundation.

We’ve outlined some of them on this page, but feel free to email us at to discuss your ideas.

If you are interested in bringing a lifesaving equipment bundle ($2500) to an outdoor recreation space in your community, please fill out this form to get started. Should you choose not to fill out the form, please know that 100% of your fundraising efforts will go toward equipment for a community we choose.

Click on the Facebook or Give Lively logos if you’d like to create your own fundraising page to raise money for lifesaving equipment through The Aliver Foundation. You can also click on “SUPPORT US” at the top of our page on the Instagram app to set up a fundraiser.

For either of the opportunities below, please email our business partnerships chair at

Encourage businesses you frequent to donate a portion of their profits to The Aliver Foundation on Aliver Day (January 23rd), during Heart Month (February), during CRP/AED Awareness Week (June 1-7), and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Month (October).

Ask your favorite establishments to sell paper hearts for a donation during Heart Month (February) and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Month (October).