Local Business Heartraiser Opportunities

For more information (or a printable sheet), please email info@thealiverfoundation.org.
Please fill out this form to confirm your participation.

Thank you for your interest in holding a Heartraiser fundraiser in your establishment. This is an easy way for your business to show its commitment to helping hearts and saving lives by fundraising for all weather, climate controlled, tamper proof AED enclosures (and AEDs) for outdoor recreations spaces. Each CE-TEK 4000 Outdoor AED Enclosure with a Heartsine Samaritan 350P AED that we donate costs just $2500 per bundle.

Within 72 Hours of Receiving Your Participation Form, We’ll create:

-a digital graphic to be shared on your social media pages

-an event on The Aliver Foundation’s Facebook page for your Heartraiser

-an 8.5”x11” emailed flyer to be displayed promoting the opportunity to your customers


-choose how you would like to participate from the options below

-determine how long you’d like to fundraise for, including dates

-fill out the participation form and email your logo to info@thealiverfoundation.org

-promote the opportunity through your social media and by displaying the flyer

-donate what was raised at the end of the Heart Raiser to The Aliver Foundation one of two ways:

1- online via our Zeffy platform (credit card or ACH) – thealiverfoundation.org/donate (please don’t use any other platform to donate)

2- check made out to: The Aliver Foundation

Jill A. Pall

The Aliver Foundation

54 3rd Avenue, A9

Garwood, NJ 07027

Participation Options:

1)          Portion of Sales

Every customer will help fund lifesaving equipment during a specified period of time. You’ll choose the percentage of total sales that you’ll donate to The Aliver Foundation. Customers love knowing that by frequenting their favorite business, they’re automatically helping to save lives.

2)          Portion of Product Sales

Every purchase of a specific product will help fund lifesaving equipment during a specified period of time. You’ll choose the percentage of sales from the product that you’ll donate to The Aliver Foundation. Customers love this option as it allows them to select a defined product and know that they’re helping hearts by purchasing it.

3)          Paper Heart Sales

This is our most popular HeartRaiser. It’s a great way to involve your customers and team in raising money for lifesaving equipment. You’ll order a pack of paper hearts, customers will donate any amount in order to write their name/message on the heart in marker, and have it displayed in your establishment. Your team members engage customers by asking them if they’d like to help fund outdoor AEDs (defibrillators) for outdoor rec spaces by making a donation and having their heart displayed. They’ll know that your business is committed to giving back.

4)          Donation Jars

Some businesses choose to put out a donation jar to collect donations for The Aliver Foundation.

5)          Events

If you are interested in hosting an event at your establishment to raise money for The Aliver Foundation, please email info@thealiverfoundation.org to discuss. Please note: we cannot lay out any money for this purpose nor can our tax exempt status be used to purchase anything for the event.