Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivors

If you are someone who has had sudden cardiac arrest and are interested in joining our free Healing Hearts virtual monthly online support groups, please click here.

Please note that this page is being developed. We welcome feedback from survivors regarding what you’d like to see here.

Feel free to send us an e-mail with any information or resources you have found helpful.

What Do You Wish You Knew?

We asked sudden cardiac arrest survivors what they wish they knew when they were released from the hospital. Here’s what they told us.

How Does It Feel to Be Shocked By An ICD?

One of the questions we’ve been asked most frequently is what does it feel like to be shocked by an ICD.

Our founder was shocked two times in a row inappropriately at a hockey game by her S-ICD. They adjusted the settings on her device to ensure this wouldn’t happen again.

Have you been shocked by your S-ICD or ICD? If you’d like to share your experience, please e-mail

There are two groups that are focused on implantable cardioverter defibrillators, small devices that monitor and treat the heart's electrical activity.

Are you a cardiac arrest survivor who wants to return to being an athlete? Cardiac Athletes is a community for heart patient athletes medically cleared to participate in competitive sports. If your cardiac recovery has been so good that your cardiologist has agreed to let you to return to your favorite sport “so long as you don’t over due it!” then Cardiac Athletes,  launched in 1997, is for you.

Need Heart Valve Surgery? Since 2006, has educated over 10 million people about heart valve disease with empowering information from medical experts that specialize in heart valve surgery.

Our Team of Survivors

If you’d like to learn more about becoming an Ambassador, please email