Should you wish to donate now and discuss details later, there are two ways to contribute.
Mail A Check
Send a check to:
The Aliver Foundation
c/o Jill A. Pall
54 3rd Avenue, A9
Garwood, NJ 07027 (payable to “The Aliver Foundation” - note “Union County, NJ”)
Donate Online
Choose from one of our suggested levels, or enter whatever amount you’d like in the $ field.
Please note: We use Zeffy for our online donation and payment processing. Zeffy does not charge The Aliver Foundation a fee for using their service or a percentage for credit card processing so 100% of your donation goes to our mission. When donating, Zeffy will ask for a donation to help cover their costs as a company. You do NOT need to donate to Zeffy. Just select “Other” under the “Confirm Your Conation” section instead of a percentage donation and enter “0.” If you have any problems, please email